CBD Massage Oil


Reduces inflammation, potent pain reliever, alleviates stress and anxiety, increase blood flow to your muscles and joints, helps with skin cancer and other skin stresses.

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The constant hustle of life often leaves us wary and one of the many ways to easily decompress is a deeply relaxing massage. A massage is not only relaxing, but also therapeutic and helps the mind and body achieve overall wellness.  As CBD oil continues to gain popularity as a natural remedy for relieving numerous conditions, researchers are further looking into its restorative and relaxing properties when incorporated into a massage.  CBD is one of hundreds of chemicals known as cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC; the most common compound in cannabis, CBD does not have any psychotropic properties, but is deeply therapeutic. When applied topically, CBD oil is absorbed into the skin and targets cannabinoid receptors found in the skin’s mast cells and nerve fibers. This gives a calming, anti-inflammatory effect with localized benefits all over the skin and muscles.  CBD does not get into your bloodstream, but permeates the skin when liberally applied and let to absorb. Massages have been used as a wellness and healing practice for years, and with infusion of pure hemp CBD oil, it makes for a potent remedy.



Reduces inflammation, potent pain reliever, alleviates stress and anxiety, increase blood flow to your muscles and joints, helps with skin cancer and other skin stresses.  When combined with essential oils, it stimulates your sense of smell and heightens the soothing benefits of the massage.  Helps clear toxins and is the ultimate skin protector and moisturizer.


99+% Organic Nanonized CBD Isolate, Organic Hemp Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Essential Oil Blends

Made in Canada


Non – GMO

No Heavy Metals

No Pesticides

No Herbicides